Jesus Generation Gulfside Revival & Worship Center
2215 Industrial Blvd, Sarasota, FL, United States
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to circumstances beyond our control we will only be able to broadcast live tonight and can not have people in person gather to the building we are broadcasting from in Sarasota, FL. We will be broadcasting live until we are able to give you further notice. We apologize for this very late […]
Tune-in this Thursday August 20th @ 3:00 PM Eastern time for with our guest Reinhardt Buhr from Capetown South Africa. Hear of God's powerful deliverance in his life and how […]
Mike Shreve shares his personal testimony of being delivered from yoga and encountering Jesus Christ. Mike has been a guest on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural program a few times and […]
Sarah Jansson will join us live September 3rd at 5:00 PM Eastern to share her amazing testimony and more from the Word of God. Sarah and her family have a […]
Pastor Rodney Biamby of Healing Hearts Ministries from Rehoboth Delaware is originally from Haiti , he was raised in the rough streets of Brooklyn New York. God radically saved him from […]